How to downgrade instagram (Android and iOS)

Instragram’s new update could certainly be one of the most hated things on the Internet in the past month. So here’s how to downgrade it. 

For Android Users

1. Uninstall the app from phone.
3. Parse the package
4. Stay Happy.

For iOS users.

1. Delete the app from your iPhone.
2. Connect your iPhone to the computer and open iTunes.
3. Do not update your apps in iTunes. Back up and sync your iPhone using iTunes.
4. When the sync is complete, click your iPhone in the left iTunes menu under DEVICES. Click the Apps tab at the top of the iTunes window. Find the app you wish to downgrade under Sync Apps.
5. Make sure the box is checked next to the app you wish to downgrade. Click the Apply button.
6. The old version of the application will be copied from your computer to the iPhone.
If you have already updated the application on your computer, or synced your iPhone before deleting the new version of the app you must follow this step first. Open the trash can or recycling bin and look for the older app version (this file will end with the suffix .ipa).
Drag the old app file into the iTunes window. iTunes will ask if you want to replace the app with an older version. Confirm and begin from step one above. If the old version is not in your trash can you cannot access the older version of the app.
(NOTE: iTunes 11 no longer supports Custom IPSW files; you will need to find iTunes 10, and/or use a developer registered devicewith XCode to test applications not on the App Store)

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