Types Of People You See At The Gym

Hey Guys! How are you doing? Having a cool vacation? I am already here chilling in a “har sem ke baad vala mandatory Goa Outing.

 Gymming could be a passion for some while for some it could be a necessity. Okay I am not going off topic but MS-Word 2013 just prompted to me that Gymming isn’t a precise word as far as English Language is concerned. But Do Hell with you! My Blog; My rules.

Okay So back to the topic!

For me, I need a motivation initiator every time I even think of going to gym. I can think of a thousand excuses to not go to the gym. But when your crush says “Mota ho gaya hai tu”, the force awakens and gymming, my dear friends is summoned. When I go to the gym, half of my time is spent in judging people in my mind and after some days at the gym I have realized, not everyone at the gym is unique. They belong to a certain stereotype.
These are the people in your gym-borhood. Various species of exercisers, caught in their natural habitats. Some people strange enough to make you take the headphones out of your ears and stare in disbelief.  While you’re sticking to your resolution to get fit, take a look around and try to pick out these few types of people you’ll find at any gym. We might as well make friends — we’re all in this together!

The Resolution Maker
These people are at the gym because like every year, this year too they have made a resolution to get fit. Don’t worry if they annoy you, they will probably fade away as the time passes.

The Grunter

(Okay so going off topic, the girl in the pic above is not crying. Trust me she isn’t. A scar under her eye baffles us and makes us think that the she is crying.)

This is the guy that walks up to the weight rack, no matter how small or big he is, lifts the weights, and then you hear it:
             Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *smash*
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *smash*
Bhima rupi maha rudra *smash*
*peeps here and to see wheter people are looking at them*
*and when someone looks*
78 79 80 ………………….. *HULK SMASH*

The Machine Hog
There are normal machine hogs, and there are texting machine hogs.
And then finally, there are college kid machine hogs.
Every once in a while you get a group of friends working out in the gym, which is usually three people.
They take their time going from machine to machine, but because they are three people using the machine, they take their time gossiping in between sets.

The wanna be Photographer
“Watch me bro, post this on my instagram.”
Every once in a while there’s a competitor who goes into a side room and flexes or practices a pose.
But the really annoying ones are the people who go right up to the mirror in front of a hundred people and start flexing, shooting videos for their instagram account, or overtly spend five minutes looking at their biceps in every possibly angle.

The “Now Watch me TEXT, Watch me Nae Nae “
Every once in a while (hopefully only every once a while) you’re waiting for a machine you really like, a spot on the floor, or a weight rack and you find someone who spends more time texting than they do working out.
Sometimes – and this one really gets me – people will literally be on their phones having full conversations and chatting throughout the entire workout.
I don’t really get how this is possible, but people do it.
And it’s REALLY bad when it’s peak gym hours (around 5-7), and they take AGES to get off a machine because they are taking their leisure time.

The “I need a 
gallon of water” type
Yeah, I’m talking about you wanna-be bodybuilder.
You read somewhere on bodybuilding.com that you gotta “eat big BRUH” and “chug a gallon of water a day BRO” or “drink a gallon of milk a day to bulk, BRAH.” But calm down braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. We need water too.

Seriously, it takes this guy a half hour just to get into the locker room to change because he stops to talk to everyone, from the receptionist to the hot personal trainer.

I mean, we all sweat, but this person is dripping everywhere. Then again, that’s what the towels and sanitizer are here for, so sweat on!

The Space Waster
First step: Go to the gym. Second step: Actually exercise. This person is halfway there, but in the meantime, can he or she stop resting on the machine you want to use?

These are just a few of many types of people I saw at the gym. See you in the next post. Have a Nice Day. Keep exercising. J

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